It is rare for Thomas Aquinas to appear in the fever swamps of political X (née Twitter), particularly on the …
Evènements et information de l’église catholique.
Jesus’s Divinity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus
We should hold a funeral for the view that Jesus entertained no exalted thoughts about himself.—Dale C. Allison Jr. It …
How Can One Say That God Has Become Human?
Christianity makes the astounding claim that the world is created. No reality is the cause of itself. All things that …
David Lynch and the Mystery of Being
Maybe I’m sick, but I want to see that again.—Overheard by film critic Pauline Kael after a screening of Blue …
Jacob and Esau, Saul and Chuck: Am I My Brother’s Keeper?
At the outset of post-Edenic human history, the book of Genesis records the story of two brothers, Cain and Abel. …
We Stopped Using Grades and You Should Too: A Catholic Manifesto for Ungrading
The Church Life Journal has published many articles reflecting on the cultural context in which the Church needs to bear witness …
Disability’s Challenge to Theology: Creating Communities of Moral Deliberation
Church communities that actively care for one another through loving and just relationships and enact liturgies that incorporate persons with …
Constellation of Genius: Miłosz, Camus, Einstein, and Weil
I know how men in exile feed on dreams of hope.—Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound Beavers were hunted to near extinction in …
A Radical Forerunner of Vatican II?: The Synod of Pistoia’s Liturgical Texts
There has been a recent resurgence in the study of all manner of topics in early modern Catholicism: from women …
Jesus Changes Everything: What About Wealth?
None of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.Luke 14:33 To be rich …